404 Town Road Falmouth, Nova Scotia Phone: 902-798-5439

Children's Ministries



Children's Choir
Wednesday Evenings from 6-6:45 pm, children in grades 1-6 are invited to come and sing. 

Children’s Church

Every Sunday at 10:30 come to church to hear a neat and interesting children’s story then go downstairs for a lesson, craft and maybe even a game. Each week is a new opportunity to learn more about the love of God, so come out and have some fun.

Upcoming Events

Morning Worship
Sun Jul 28 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Jul 28 @10:30AM
Morning Worship
Sun Aug 04 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Aug 04 @10:30AM
Morning Worship
Sun Aug 11 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Aug 11 @10:30AM

Church Newsletter

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