404 Town Road Falmouth, Nova Scotia Phone: 902-798-5439

Ministry Team

Pastor Gail   Rev. Gail Whalen-Dunn is the Senior Pastor at Falmouth Baptist Church. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Development Studies from the University of Waterloo and a certificate in Social Work from Renison College.  She has been an ordained minister for the past 24 years and graduated from Acadia Divinity College in 1997 with her MDiv.

She has been married to her husband Paul for 30 years and has three children; Jackson 25, who is a pursuing his Masters of Divinity at Acadia Divinity College and is a member of the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves, he is married to Lily and they welcomed a son in September and his name is Jamieson, Abby 23, is pursuing a Masters in Crimonology at Simon Frazier University and Ashton 19, is currently employed full time.  
Rev. Gail looks forward welcoming you to Falmouth Baptist Church and worshipping with you. If you have any questions or would like to talk further about faith issues or about the church, please feel free to contact her as she looks forward to hearing from you. God bless. 

Email Pastor Gail


Upcoming Events

Morning Worship
Sun Jul 28 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Jul 28 @10:30AM
Morning Worship
Sun Aug 04 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Aug 04 @10:30AM
Morning Worship
Sun Aug 11 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Aug 11 @10:30AM

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