404 Town Road Falmouth, Nova Scotia Phone: 902-798-5439

Church History

1913The first Falmouth Baptist Church was constituted in 1830, when a group of members from the Windsor Baptist Church organized a church in Falmouth. Construction was completed in 1831.

In 1862 the Falmouth Baptist Church congregation discussed building a larger church to accommodate its expansion. The construction was carried out in close proximity to the original church by master builder John Edmund Taylor.

1943The church, erected in 1871, features a stencilled wall frieze that adorns the four walls of the nave (oil on plaster c.1870).

Upcoming Events

Morning Worship
Sun Jul 28 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Jul 28 @10:30AM
Morning Worship
Sun Aug 04 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Aug 04 @10:30AM
Morning Worship
Sun Aug 11 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Aug 11 @10:30AM

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