404 Town Road Falmouth, Nova Scotia Phone: 902-798-5439

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Eastern Valley Baptist Association

EVBA will gather at Centerville Baptist Church at 8:55 am for the fall meetings. Special guest speakers will be Canadian Baptist Missionaries Aaron and Erica Kenny, Kenya, are scheduled to share their presentation by 9:15 a.m., and Darrell Bustin, Rwanda, is scheduled for 10:55 a.m.  Lunch is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. If you are interested in attending please speak to Rev. Gail as pre-registration is required. 

Upcoming Events

Children's Church
Sun Jun 23 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Jun 30 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Jul 07 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Jul 14 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Jul 21 @10:30AM
Children's Church
Sun Jul 28 @10:30AM

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